Weather in Neverwinter

The City is temperate, shielded by sea breezes from the worst of winter storms and summer heat. The Neverwinter River flows warmly throughout the year, steaming on chilly winter days and keeping the port free of ice in the coldest months.

Neverwinter Campaign Setting

Knowing the weather have always helped me to narrate the scene. Looking for information about the weather in Neverwinter has been pretty limited. There are some generic texts in some campaign material but nothing really tangible. So after some research I came to the conclusion that Bergen in Norway would fit Neverwinter.

The Average Weather in Neverwinter by Month

January (Hammer)
The coldest month. The average temperature is between 0-3°C (32-37°F). January falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 190mm (7.5in). It rains on average a total of 21 days.
You will hardly see any sun with only 22 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 70%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

February (Alturiak)
The average temperature is between 0-3°C (32-37°F). The amount of rain in February is high with an average of 152mm (6.0in). It rains on average a total of 18 days.
You will hardly see any sun with 54 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 60%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

March (Ches)
The average temperature is between 0-6°C (32-42°F). The amount of rain in March is high with an average of 170mm (6.7in). It rains on average a total of 16 days.
The sun will occasionally show itself with 127 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 53%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

April (Tarsahk)
The average temperature is between 3-9°C (37-48°F). The amount of rain in April is high with an average of 114mm (4.5in). It rains on average a total of 19 days.
The sun will occasionally show itself with 142 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 63%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

May (Mirtul)
The driest month. The average temperature is between 6-14°C (42-57°F). The amount of rain in May is high with an average of 106mm (4.2in). It rains on average a total of 15 days.
If you enjoy looking at a blue sky and love the sun than this is a great time with 191 hours of sun.
Chance of Rain: 50%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

June (Kythorn)
The average temperature is between 9-15°C (48-59°F). The amount of rain in June is high with an average of 132mm (5.2in). It rains on average a total of 18 days.
The sun will occasionally show itself with 175 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 60%
Average Wind speed: Light Air (1-2 m/s)

July (Flamerule)
The average temperature is 12-18°C (53-64°F). The amount of rain in July is high with an average of 148mm (5.8in). It rains on average a total of 21 days.
The sun will occasionally show itself with 167 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 70%
Average Wind speed: Light Air (1-2 m/s)

August (Eleasis)
The hottest month. The average temperature is between 12-18°C (53-64°F), making it the hottest month in the year. August falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 190mm (7.5in). It rains on average a total of 20 days.
The sun will occasionally show itself with 132 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 67%
Average Wind speed: Light Air (1-2 m/s)

September (Elint)
The wettest month. The average temperature is between 9-15°C (48-59°F). September falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 283mm (11.1in). This makes it the wettest month of the year. It rains on average a total of 22 days.
The sun will occasionally show itself with 102 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 73%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

October (Marpenoth)
The average temperature is between 6-11°C (42-51°F). October falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 271mm (10.7in). It rains on average a total of 24 days.
You will hardly see any sun with 69 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 80%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

November (Uktar)
The average temperature is between 3-7°C (37-44°F). November falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 259mm (10.2in). It rains on average a total of 22 days.
You will hardly see any sun with 29 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 77%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

December (Nightal)
The darkest month. The average temperature is between 1-5°C (33-41°F). December falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 235mm (9.3in). It rains on average a total of 23 days.
You will hardly see any sun with 13 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Chance of Rain: 73%
Average Wind speed: Light Breeze (2-3 m/s)

With the following in mind, it is quite easy to simply look up the historical weather in Bergen for the correct date to get a nice weather forecast on a site such as

Randomizing the Weather: Neverwinter

The following tables are inspired by the work Weather Made Easy from Land of Nod blog.

Determine season, roll 1D6 to determine the general temperature. The weather pattern will remain for 1D6 days. Roll percentile die for chance of rain and consult the rain and wind table for specific precipitation results.

Quick temperature table: Neverwinter (1D6)

Freezing (below 0°C)1
Cold (1-15°C)2-51-41-21-4
Comfortable (16-24°C)65-63-55-6
Warm (25-35°C)6
Hot (36°C+)
Average WindLight BreezeLight BreezeLight AirLight Breeze
Neverwinter never experience hot weather…

Roll wind and rain tables below.

Quick Rain Table: Neverwinter (1D6)

Light Rain/snow1-21-31-31-2
Moderate Rain/snow3-44-54-53-4
Heavy Rain/snow5665-6
Violent Rain6
Snow during cold temperature.

Quick Wind Table: Neverwinter (2D6)

Calm1-41-51-61-3Wind felt on face
Breeze5-96-97-114-8Leaves and dust in motion
High Wind10-1110-11119-11Whole trees in motion
Gale12121212Twigs break off trees, potential damage
HurricaneTrees uprooted, considerable damage and devastation
The weather is most likely much more violent on the sea outside Neverwinter.

This is a very simple way of generating the weather and I find that I don’t need any more details. I usually keep especially turbulent or fantastic weather as plot pieces or random encounters.